

Monday, January 27, 2014

What you see isn't always what you get..

Totally Random Thoughts for the Morning-

When you meet people, you often think you know all about them based on how they present themselves (looks, attitude etc). As humans we tend to flock to people that are like minded. Mom’s tend to hang out with other Mom’s, married couples like to be friends with other married couples etc. This has me thinking about myself. I have a handful of great friends, a few best friends and a couple of ladies that I consider my sisters. I wonder what people think about me when they first meet me? I’m sure I can come across as a bit stand offish at first, I may look like a snob, I sometimes look like a soccer mom, my appearance changes based on where I am and what I am doing.

Here are some random facts about me that you may not know:

  1. I have 10 tattoos
  2. I used to work at a hospital in the ICU, and one of my jobs was to bathe people that passed away before their families came to see them one last time.
  3. I have only been in 2 long term relationships.
  4. I have been friends with some of my friends since we were 6/7 years old.
  5. I was diagnosed with obsessive compulsive disorder when I was 25. When I have anxiety, I sometimes pull my hair out.
  6. I am terrified of bees, and when I hear one or see one I run indoors.
  7. I love going on scary rides at amusement parks, but I sometimes will cry (or even start to faint), when waiting in line. I even rode Kingda Ka, which is the tallest, fastest roller coaster in North America. (0-128mph in 3,5 seconds).
  8. I have seen the Dave Matthews band around 28-30 times.
  9. I camped out on the streets of Albany for N*Sync tickets when I was in college. (not my proudest moment).
  10. If you ever watched Mad TV, I can do a perfect Miss. Swan impression, especially after a drink or 2.
  11. I can memorize any song or movie after hearing or seeing it once (sometimes twice)
  12. I hate touching raw poultry or pork, and I used to have to wear gloves when I cooked it.
  13. I love going to the beach, but will not swim in the water.
  14. I can remember everything from any point in my life. (this is a good and bad thing)!
  15. I like to buy “as seen on TV stuff” and when I was a kid I used to watch infomercials on a regular basis.

What do you think you are putting out there when you meet someone? What are some things about you that nobody would ever guess?

Just ponder that on this cold Monday!

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